With the experience from the leading companies in this field now we offer you the best Credit Report for companies in Macedonia and Albania.
In order to know your potential or the one of your business partner or competition choose to work with us. Before any decision you make, to avoid or at least minimize bad debts impact, the best thing is to have a Credit Report.
Thru our Credit Report we offer you: an overview of company’s profile and registry information, financial data (minimum last 3 years, if available), financial indicators, company’s structure, braches and linked companies, bank account blocks, prohibitions, sanctions, record changes minimum for the past 3 years and many other details.
Telephone: +38973220222 & +38931618861
E-mail: info@finnconsulting.mk
Tag:Accounting, Business Credit Report, Business Credit report Albania, Business Credit report Macedonia, Business Credit report Serbia, Business Credit reports, Credit rating Albania, Credit rating Macedonia, Credit Report, Credit Report Albania, Credit report for Albania, Credit report for KOSOVO, Credit report Kosovo, Credit Report Macedonia, Credit reports, Credit reports for Albania, Credit reports for KOSOVO, Credit reports for Macedonia, D.O.O.E.L., Financa, Finance, Kontabilitet, Llojet e Marketingut, Marketing, Marketing Shqip, Бонитет од Албаниа, Бонитетен извештај, Бонитети, Вонитети Македонија, Сметководство, Финансии